Company Policies

 At Reveal Productions, we pride ourselves in creating a safe, pleasant and efficient workplace that encourages environmentally sustainable practices. Our company policies, hereinafter outlined, reflect our commitment to looking after our employees and the environment, while providing our trademark quality products and services.


Environmental Policy

At Reveal Productions, we are absolutely committed to conducting our business operations in an environmentally responsible manner. We will continue to ensure that our policies are effectively communicated, understood and implemented consistently across our business and by our employees.

We will achieve this by:

  • Complying with all relevant environmental legislation and regulations, and other initiatives to which we subscribe
  • Maintaining, monitoring, reviewing, auditing and continually improving our Environmental processes
  • Incorporating optimal environmental practice into our core business plans and management processes
  • Minimizing negative impacts we may have on the environment and implementing pollution prevention practices through the efficient use of resources, and the reduction of emissions and waste
  • Regularly reviewing our environmental objectives, targets and performance indicators
  • Providing regular monitoring and reporting against environmental indicators to all employees and subcontractors
  • Ensuring we work closely with our clients, suppliers, local communities and other interested parties to continually improve our processes in environmental practices
  • Building a strong environmentally aware business culture

All employees and sub-contractors are required by Reveal Productions to:

  • Carry out their work in accordance with our environmental values
  • Report any incident/hazard which does not comply with our Environmental Policy
  • Participate in education and training when required to continually improve our Environmental processes

Environmental Management System

Employee Inductions and Training

All new employees are inducted and trained in relation to our Environmental Policy expectations as set out in this manual.

Regulated Activities

Reveal Productions employees and subcontractors agree to participate in regulated activities within the business that are in line with our environmental goals. These activities will be monitored and improved in the general course of business.

Current Regulated Activities:

  • paper recycling
  • responsible water consumption
  • responsible electricity consumption – lights switched off in areas not is use
  • supplies purchased from companies with environmental policies in place where possible

Quality Policy

Reveal Productions are committed to meeting the needs and expectations of our clients to the highest quality standards. We will continue to ensure our goals are effectively communicated, understood and implemented in a consistent manner across our business.

We will achieve this by:

  • Complying with statutory obligations, standards, specifications and Codes of Practice relevant to quality management
  • Maintaining, monitoring, reviewing, auditing and continually improving our Quality procedures
  • Engaging suitably qualified, skilled and experienced people
  • Education and training in order to continually improve the skills of our employees, awareness and knowledge of quality issues and practices
  • Identifying, reporting, investigating and resolving all non-conformances and taking action to prevent recurrence
  • Establishing, reviewing and communicating performance measures and taking action to improve outcomes
  • Monitoring and evaluating the quality performance of subcontractors and suppliers and implementing effective communication with them on quality and compliance issues
  • Regularly reviewing our quality objectives, targets and performance indicators
  • Providing regular monitoring and reporting against quality indicators to all employees and subcontractors

All employees and sub-contractors are required to:

  • Carry out their work in accordance with our quality values
  • Report any incident/hazard which does not comply with our Quality Policy
  • Participate in education and training when required to continually improve our Quality processes

Quality Management System

Employee Inductions and Training

All new employees are inducted and trained in relation to our Quality Policy expectations as set out in this manual.Records are kept in employees and subcontractor files stating when their induction or further training has taken place.

Safety Policy

Reveal Productions are committed to operating our business so as to ensure that all our employees, sub-contractors and the communities in which we operate are kept free of injury, hazard and illness. We will continue to place the utmost importance on health and safety awareness and ensure our goals are effectively communicated, understood and implemented in a consistent manner across our business.

We will achieve this by:

  • Complying with the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1991 and all other applicable laws, regulations, Codes of Practice and Standards

  • Maintaining, monitoring, reviewing, auditing and continually improving our Safety Management System

  • Ensuring that all employees, sub-contractors and clients understand and endorse our vision

  • Ensuring the elimination and control of hazards

  • Ensuring that all incidents are fully and transparently investigated, and identifying any organisations that may have contributed to incidents

  • Undertaking regular audits and inspections of our work sites

  • Empowering all employees and sub-contractors to cease work where there is a threat to safety

  • Regularly reviewing our safety objectives, targets and performance indicators

  • Providing regular monitoring and reporting against safety indicators to all employees and subcontractors

All employees and sub-contractors are required to:

  • Carry out their work in accordance with our safety values

  • Report any incident which generates an actual or potential injury

  • Stop work where there is a threat to the safety of themselves or others

  • Participate in education and training required to continually improve our Occupational Health and Safety Management System

Safety Management System

Employee Inductions and Training

All new employees are inducted and trained in relation to our expectations as set out in this manual.

General Safety Expectations

Reveal Productions expects employees and subcontractors to conduct themselves in a respectful and safe working manner.

  • Prescription medication that may hinder work must be reported to the supervisor. Alcohol consumption is not permitted during work times
  • It is the duty of all subcontractors employed by Reveal Productions to maintain their own equipment, have them in proper working condition and hold current certificates for relevant work undertaken during contract work
  • It is the duty of all employees of Reveal Productions to ensure all powered equipment is tested and tagged and such testing is up to date before entering a site
  • It is the duty of all employees of Reveal Productions to treat other organisation’s contracted workers or employees on site with respect
  • It is the duty of all employees of Reveal Productions to treat third party equipment and/or hire equipment with care and respect
  • It is the duty of all employees of Reveal Productions to treat the site with care and respect and ensure that the site is left in the same or better condition from commencement of work
  • It is the duty of all employees of Reveal Productions to complete all site induction forms required before commencement of work on site

  • It is the responsibility of all Reveal Production employees to ensure the security of all Reveal Production’s equipment on site regardless of any other organisation’s security in place

  • It is the duty of all employees of Reveal Productions to inform management of any situation that requires a form to be filled out for a third party and a signature to represent Reveal Productions. If in doubt please ring the Thornbury office for advice

Safe Working Method Statement

Safe working method statements must be completed before commencing work on site. This form is your agreement to all Safety policies in place with Reveal Productions. The Safe Work Method Statement and Safety Action Plan are requirements to be on site and a copy must be given to the controlling organization in charge of the site. The Record of Requirements must be kept with all copies of current cards and licenses attached to view upon request. In the unlikely event of an incident these forms may be used as evidence at mediation or in a court.

Reveal Productions employees and subcontractors must adhere to both Reveal Productions Safety Policy and the Safety Policies put in place by the specific site operators and/or the controlling organisation in charge of the current project.

Certificates must be valid and available upon request by site managers, project managers and work safe inspectors. These may include:

  • Construction Induction Cards to be on site during construction
  • Rigging licenses for working with heights
  • Plant machinery competencies e.g. EWP Permits
  • Electrical and associated licenses

If a breach of any Safety Policy occurs without any incident, accident to equipment or injury to persons please refer to the Safety Non Compliance Reporting procedure for Reveal Productions.

If an incident, accident, damage to equipment or injury to persons occurs please refer to the Hazard/ Accident reporting procedure for Reveal Productions.

On Site Cooperation

Because of the nature of Reveal Productions work, employees and subcontractors are regularly on a site which is under the control of another organisation. Reveal Productions management would like all employees and subcontractors to be aware of the following issues:

  • Contact the site supervisor before arriving to ensure that access to the specific area is ready and available. Work cannot commence if other machinery or construction or hazard is present in the designated area for Reveal Production’s work. Work cannot commence if access is not clear and available to and from the designated area.
  • Ensure that the designated area for Reveal Production’s work is recorded with the site supervisor and that all present workers on site are aware of this area. The standard approach is to ensure that no one other than Reveal Productions works in this area during this time and the only equipment in this area is for exclusive use by Reveal Productions.
  • Hire equipment brought in for the exclusive use by Reveal Productions cannot be used by any other organization on site. Employees and Subcontractors of Reveal Productions are advised not to operate machinery belonging to any other organization on site unless by prior arrangement by the site supervisor.
  • Upon finishing the required work on site, inform the site supervisor and determine that the area is free of any equipment under hire or belonging to Reveal Productions. Ensure the controlling organization on site is satisfied with the condition of the designated area and hand over control of the area back to the site supervisor.

Working with Heights

Reveal Productions work involves the installation of theatre curtains and associated equipment. As this work occurs over 2 meters in height it is considered a work practice that involves risk and therefore such work is regulated by Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (prevention of falls) 2003 and the use of elevated work platforms is regulated by Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (plant) 1995.

  • Only those employees or subcontractors of Reveal Productions that are qualified with a current rigging license may work at height
  • Only employees or subcontractors of Reveal Productions qualified to work at height may operate and use any elevated work platform equipment hired or owned by Reveal Productions
  • All work at height must be reported to the site supervisor before commencement of such work
  • The area designated for work at height must be clear of any other work or machinery occurring on site
  • There must always be at least two workers present during working at height
  • The Supervisor on Site must communicate the Fall Arrest Plan and amend if necessary relevant to a particular site.

Working in confined spaces

Sometimes components and repairs must occur backstage in a confined space.

  • There must be two workers present during work in a confined space, one always outside the confined space. Both should discuss exit strategies before commencement of work
  • The worker outside the confined space must be able to clearly communicate to any persons carrying out work around the designated area of confined space

Non-Compliance Reporting Procedure

If there is a breach of any Safety Policy by an employee or subcontractor of Reveal Productions that does NOT result in an hazard, incident, accident causing damage to equipment or injury to persons please use the following procedure.

  • The Site Supervisor representative of Reveal Productions must determine if the breach applies to Reveal Productions Safety Policy, or applies to the site controlling organization Safety Policies. If the breach occurs in regard to the controlling organisation’s policies, then the employee will be subject to that organisation’s non-compliance procedure
  • If the breach applies to Reveal Production’s policies, then the Site Supervisor for Reveal Productions will issue a warning and help address the breach and remedy the issue
  • If a second non-compliance issue occurs, the Site Supervisor for Reveal Productions will contact the Reveal Productions Manager and determine if the employee or subcontractor needs to be stood down and removed from site
  • A third non-compliance issue may result in dismissal from the current project, and the removal of that employee or subcontractor from Reveal Productions employment or subcontract at the Manager’s discretion.

Note that Reveal Productions prefers all employees to be aware of all Safety Policies, either those of Reveal Productions or those of any other organization on site.

Reveal Productions encourages close cooperation and communication with all Site Supervisors regardless of origin.

Be aware that a serious breach of the site controlling organisation’s safety rules may result in the removal of Reveal Productions from the entire project.

Hazard and Incident Reporting – Work Sites

If an incident occurs that results in the creation of a Hazard or an Accident occurs that results in damage to equipment or injury to persons then follow this procedure.

  • Report the incident to both Reveal Productions Site Supervisor and the site-controlling organisation’s Site Supervisor immediately
  • If a Hazard is created, determine with the Site Supervisor the appropriate actions to contain the hazard and then fill out a Hazard Reporting Form and send a copy of the form to Reveal Productions
  • If there is damage to equipment, cease and desist use of damaged equipment and determine with the Site Supervisor the correct response. This may vary in regards to the origin of the damaged equipment. Fill out an Incident Reporting Form and return to Reveal Productions. Damage to hire equipment or any other organisation’s equipment on site must be reported by phone immediately to Reveal Productions’ Thornbury office. If possible take photographs of the damaged equipment
  • If there is injury to persons, determine the appropriate response with the Site Supervisor. The First Aid Officer on site will determine what emergency response is required. As soon as the injuries have been addressed, notify Reveal Productions’ Thornbury office immediately, and if possible write down the time of the incident and other details as necessary. These will be required in filling out an Incident Reporting Form

Because of the nature of Reveal Productions work, which often occurs on sites occupied by other organizations, Reveal Productions actively encourages employees to cooperate with all reporting procedures, regardless of origin. If an employee fills out a report form for another organization, Reveal Productions’ Thornbury office will require a copy as well.

Hazard and Incident Reporting – Workshop

If an incident occurs that results in the creation of a Hazard, or an Accident occurs that results in damage to equipment or injury to persons, then follow this procedure:

  • Report the incident to the Reveal Productions Manager immediately
  • If a Hazard is created, then determine with the Manager the appropriate actions to contain the hazard and then fill out a Hazard Reporting Form and send a copy of the form to Reveal Productions’ Thornbury office.
  • If there is damage to equipment, cease and desist use of damaged equipment and determine with the Manager the correct response. This may vary in regards to the origin of the damaged equipment. Fill out an Incident Reporting Form and return to Reveal Productions’ Thornbury office. If possible, take photographs of the damaged equipment
  • If there is injury to persons, determine the appropriate response with Manager. As soon as the injuries have been addressed notify Reveal Productions’ Thornbury office immediately, and if possible write down the time of the incident and other details as necessary. These will be required in filling out an Incident Reporting Form

    Hazard and Incident Reporting – Thornbury office

If an incident occurs that results in the creation of a Hazard, or an Accident occurs that results in damage to equipment or injury to persons, then follow this procedure.

  • Report the incident to the Reveal Productions Manager immediately
  • If a Hazard is created, then determine with the Manager the appropriate actions to contain the hazard and then fill out a Hazard Reporting Form
  • If there is damage to equipment, cease and desist use of damaged equipment and determine with the Manager the correct response. This may vary in regards to the origin of the damaged equipment. Fill out an Incident Reporting Form. If possible take photographs of the damaged equipment
  • If there is injury to persons, determine the appropriate response with Manager. As soon as the injuries have been addressed complete an Incident Reporting Form

*Note for staff: You must notify your manager of any work-related injury or illness within 30 days of becoming aware of it. If you do not, you may put at risk an entitlement (if any) to make a worker's compensation claim

Hazard and Incident Reporting – Recording, Communication and Action

The person completing the Hazard or Incident Reporting Form shall forward the form to their local Manager/Site Supervisor for acknowledgement/sign-off prior to forwarding to the Reveal Productions’ Thornbury office.

Once the Hazard or Incident Reporting Form has been received at Reveal Productions’ Thornbury office, the Manager shall, as soon as reasonably practicable, identify and record:

  • Immediate actions taken to assist any persons injured during the incident

  • Immediate actions taken to prevent re-occurrence of the incident

  • If a copy of the incident report has been provided to the OH&S Representative

  • Severity of the incident

  • Likelihood of the incident occurring or re-occurring

  • Resultant risk rating of the incident

  • If an on-site incident investigation has been completed

  • If applicable, the members of the incident investigation team

  • Planned actions to prevent reoccurrence of the incident

  • Due date for completion of planned corrective actions

The Manager shall also:

  • Send an email to the person reporting the incident and, if applicable the injured person, acknowledging the receipt of the Incident Report. Further information about the progress of the Incident Report shall also be communicated via email
  • Assess if any employee/s injured as a result of the incident took time off work and if so inform the OH&S Representative

Incidents Requiring Notification to WorkSafe Victoria

The following incidents require notification to WorkSafe Victoria:

  • the death of a person; or

  • a person requiring medical treatment within 48 hours of exposure to a substance; or

  • a person requiring immediate treatment as an in-patient in a hospital; or

  • a person requiring immediate medical treatment for-

· the amputation of any part of his or her body; or

· a serious head injury; or

· a serious eye injury; or

· the separation of his or her skin from an underlying tissue (such as de-gloving or scalping); or

· electric shock; or

· a spinal injury; or

· the loss of a bodily function; or

· serious lacerations

  • an incident that exposes a person in the immediate vicinity to an immediate risk to the person's health or safety through:

· the collapse, overturning, failure or malfunction of, or damage to, any plant that the Occupational Health & Safety Regulations 2007 (Vic) prescribe must not be used unless the plant is licensed or registered; or

· the collapse or failure of an excavation or of any shoring supporting an excavation; or

· the collapse or partial collapse of all or part of a building or structure; or

· an implosion, explosion or fire; or

· the escape, spillage or leakage of any substance including dangerous goods; or

· the fall or release from a height of any plant, substance or object

  • The local Manager/Site Supervisor, upon being informed of an incident within the scope of requiring notification to WorkSafe, shall immediately inform and request advice from the on-call OH&S Representative

  • The local Manager/Site Supervisor shall ensure that the site of incident is not disturbed until authorised

  • The on-call OH&S Representative shall assess the incident details and determine if the incident requires notification to WorkSafe Victoria

  • If necessary, the on-call OH&S Representative shall notify WorkSafe Victoria of the incident via telephone and complete and send the written WorkSafe notification form to WorkSafe Victoria.